Picture this: thousands of octopuses, confined, suffering, exploited. All for a plate of fancy seafood. We're here to say it's time for change. It's time to stop the proposed octopus farm in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, owned by the multinational seafood company Nueva Pescanova.

Why should you care? Because octopuses are intelligent, sentient creatures. They feel pain. They feel fear. They have an astonishing capacity for learning and memory. They use tools, they solve puzzles, and they navigate through complex environments with a level of intelligence that is comparable to that of many mammals. Yet, Nueva Pescanova is planning to confine these remarkable beings into small enclosures and raise them for slaughter. This isn't just wrong. It's a travesty.

Right now, Nueva Pescanova is awaiting permits from the European Union and Gran Canaria government to build their horror show of a farm. But there's hope. We've been on the frontlines, protesting this proposed farm in Gran Canaria and around the globe for the last year and a half. And we're making a difference.

But we need you. We need your voice. We need your power.


Here at United Earth Life, we're on a mission. A mission to stop the Gran Canaria Octopus Farm. But we can't do it without you. We need you to stand with us, to shout with us, to fight with us.

Take a stand for these sentient beings. Say NO to octopus farming. Say NO to the cruel confinement and exploitation of these intelligent creatures. Together, we can stop the Gran Canaria Octopus Farm and give these octopuses the freedom they deserve.

Here's how you can help:

1. SIGN A PETITION: Let's show Nueva Pescanova, the European Union, and Gran Canaria government that we will not stand for the exploitation and suffering of sentient beings.

2. SPREAD THE WORD: Share our campaign on social media. Use our hashtags #StopGranCanariaOctopusFarm and #BanOctopusFarming to join the global conversation.

3. DONATE: Your generous contribution will help us continue our vital work to stop the Gran Canaria Octopus Farm and protect octopuses from the horrors of farming.

It's time to raise your voice. It's time to take action. It's time to STOP the Gran Canaria Octopus Farm. Join us in this fight. Together, we can save octopuses!